Sunday, June 4, 2023

Anasara of Lord Jagannath and Shana Purnima

 When there is a pandemic the authorities take steps to quarantine in order to contain and prevent the spread of any disease. Coronavirus had prompted us stay indoor, to go into a phase of self quarantine and social distancing. Classes in schools and colleges were held using on line instructions while of us were instructed to work from home for the unforeseen future. Many restaurants weren't letting customers in, only allowing them to order online or take "to go" meals at drive through pickups. 

However there is nothing new or novel regarding the concept of quarantine in order to stay away from viruses and convalesce. Same happens to Lord Jagannath, our famous Hindu deity of the better known Sri Jagannath temple in Puri, Odisha. The word Jagannath is formed as conjoint (SANDHI) of the two words JAGAT (Universe) + NATH (meaning Lord of the Universe). He is also addressed by several other names by his devotees - CHAKADOLA (Circular eyelids), KAALIA (for his Amber complexion), JAGABANDHU (Friend of Universe), PAITAPABAN and myriads of other names by his devotees. 

A la humans, our Lord Jagannath has a human aspect when he goes on a self imposed quarantine before the famous Rath Jatra (Chariot Festival) which invariably comes in the Gregorian calendar month of June - July. Like a normal human being he eats, takes a shower on SNANA PURNIMA (the full moon day for bath) and falls sick. But unlike humans, the Lord doesn't infect anyone except with infectious BHAKTI (Devotion).

Following this, He suffers from fever for several days until the day of RATHA JATRA when he travels to his MAUSI's (mom's sister) house a few miles away sitting on His chariot NANDIGHOSA. His brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra also ride with him in separate chariots. 

Coinciding with handful of days prior to the arrival of monsoon, this time in Odisha is accompanied by stifling heat and humidity - perfect concoctions for a viral bug bite as viruses tend to be active in hot and humid weather. This particular phase is locally called as ANASARA GULUGULI (muggy) days. The almost static air, pregnant with water vapor and barely moving a leaf on the trees becomes unbearable. One feels like a melting man with hardly any relief in sight. The local populace take solace from a free Sauna bath for a few days, praying for early advance of monsoon.

Now also we do exactly the same thing - hibernating, socially distancing and staying quarantined, trying to stay safe from the viruses which was symbolized by Sri Jagannath culture. Only difference, CHAKAA AKHI SABU DEKHUCHI (The Round Eyed Lord, as Sri Jagannath is referred to is omniscient and foresees everything). But we, mere humans have no idea what's in store for future.

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