Wednesday, September 16, 2020

In memory of Ashwini Palai

 We studied together in DM School Bhubaneswar, followed by two more years in BJB College. He was a plump, fair complexioned, short stature boy who was living at a stone's throw distance from our school. A gem of a guy, loved equally by his friends and teachers. For his characteristic, nonchalant walk we fondly used to tease him as GUNTHUNI HATHI (Roly poly elephant). He would never get angry, will return our compliments with his cherubic smile. He is my friend, Ashwini Palai.

A typical tendency of folks who tease is to go after those who easily get irritated and fall into their trap. But our friend Ashwini, a soft spoken boy was as cool as iceberg, frustrating all by never taking their bait. The caring nature in him always cautioned us when we used to get naughty beyond acceptable limits. Nevertheless, he was a very balanced and mature guy beyond his age.

After doing my +2, I moved out of Bhubaneswar to study Engineering. Ashwini continued there, doing his graduation from OUAT. Like two logs floating on a ocean, colliding with each other before getting separated forever, we lost contact for a long time to come, until the advent of Social media united us gain. 

We reestablished our relationship. I got his contact number from a common friend in the year 2011. He was working for LIC (Life insurance corporation) and was posted in Bihar. I called him couple of times and he didn't picked up the phone. Never someone to loose hope I thought of trying one more time. This time he picked up the phone. He couldn't recall me for couple of minutes. 

I told names of common friends and thought it will give him a hint. Finally he could figure it out - "Oh you are that boy who used to be good in Math". Finally, the dots connected. He profusely apologized for not able to take my call, as in Bihar it isn't prudent to answer calls from unknown numbers. I replied - "No offense taken. This is perfectly understandable". Soon we got connected on Facebook and Whatsapp.

After couple of years he got transferred to Odisha. We continued to stay in touch. From my interactions with him I could guess he had taken a different path in life. He was into spiritualism and I loved my spirits. But it was never a bottleneck in our friendship.

The man suffered a tons of loss. In 2015 he lost his wife to cancer. Today he lost his life after getting admitted to a hospital in Bhubaneswar. When I got this news something snapped inside me.  I feel extremely sorry for his young daughter who has been orphaned in the space of 5 years - an insurmountable tragedy at such a tender age. Stay happy in heaven my friend where you belong.

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