Saturday, May 9, 2015

Rattle Snake and Lord Siva

When I spoke to my mother in India, I told her the recent heavy rains here has filled the creek behind my home. I see a lot of frogs in my backyard and very soon I might see some Rattle Snakes to complete the food chain. As usual in a concerned voice she advised me to be careful  and pray Lord Siva to keep this slithery beast away.

Teasing her mildly (as we  often take liberty with our mothers though we can't take the same with dad) I said "Mummy, we all know Lord Siva has a stranglehold over Cobra, not sure if he has the same control over Rattlesnakes of America. Sanskrit SLOKAS (hymns) wont work here. Southern American accent filled sermons from the local Methodist church might help in keeping it away."
She chastised me as usual "Stop teasing and take my advise seriously. I will pray for you to Lord Siva to keep you safe from "Rattle SAAPA(snake)". No matter how far I am, her concern for me never ever wavers a bit. I have complete faith on her devotion. Now that I have outsourced my well being to her I can roam freely in my backyard. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all.

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