Thursday, March 19, 2015

ISIS crisis lingers on as Shiite Militia fights them

ISIS crisis lingers on. It was sad to know that in occupied Mosul in Iraq priceless, historic monuments were vandalized by these despicable thugs. This has been followed by a monumental shift, the Iraqi militia Army of mostly Shiites, well assisted by Iranian Republican guards are now going all guns blazing against ISIS. This should not have happened at first place, if last year the Iraqi forces did not flee away from that city with their tails well tucked inside their hind legs. Don't know what kinda training the Americans gave them. What a wastage of tax payers money ! Apparently the Iranian led and infiltrated Shiites Militia is doing the cleaning of those responsible for ethnic cleansing. Vindicating Newton's 3rd law of Motion, the Shiites are reciprocating with equal magnanimity, one of them posting a picture of a decapitated of his ISIS opponent.
So how the world reacts ? Europe is in an economic mess. China is content at flexing its muscles over its neighbors. Russia is obsessed with Crimea, with Putin scratching his bald head as it's currency is competing with oil prices in free fall. Apart from cricket, the only news I heard about Australia and New Zealand was them jointly sending a formidable force of 300 to help the Iraqis. Still a unipolar world, without a bigger involvement of USA no tangible gains can be made. But American is prudently avoiding the ISIS trap as the public opinion is heavily against war, primarily due to the Bush led Iraq fiasco. Obama is an antiwar liberal and least interested in putting American lives on the ground. Minus US leadership, no one wants to take a plunge into a full fledged war beyond the token air strikes.
The response of the neighboring Middle East nations is at best incoherent. Jordan and Egypt go on a bombing spree, only when their citizens are brutally butchered or roasted alive by these maniacs. Mind it, these nations are not democracies. They are ruled by Kings and dictators with a fragile hold on their subjects. The fear of being toppled due to a religious  backlash prevents them from going after the ISIS in full force. Interestingly Fareed Zakaria recently interviewed a French guy who returned after a stint with ISIS. According to him he hardly saw any of the ISIS foot soldiers praying or there was anything religious in their activities. Most of them were plain thugs, enjoying their loot of money and women. There are no shortage of unemployed idiots in this universe who aspire for some kick in life, Now it's high time their butt is kicked before it's too late. Luring of girls and kidnapping of Japanese, who are at best tangentially linked to the Jihadists speaks for itself.
Both US and Iran form an uneasy alliance on the surface, supplementing each other for a common enemy, to the chagrin of Saudis and others. The initial American bombing has been followed by Iranian surface-to-surface missiles and ground support. Reminded of the common utterance from Bollywood movies, DUSHMAN KA DUSHMAN DOST HOTA HAI (Enemy of an enemy is a friend). No wonder we learnt in our High School Math lessons, -ive of -ive is always positive.

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