Friday, September 6, 2013

Widening Trade Gap Signals Improving U.S. Demand: Economy

 Quoting from this piece of news on Bloomberg..." The trade deficit in the U.S. widened in July from an almost four-year low as Americans imported more fuel and automobiles, showing the world’s largest economy is picking up."  define oxymoron ! Trade deficit widening and economy improving ? Well.. 2/3rd of American economy is related to consumer spending. As per today's job report nearly 170K jobs were added last month in USA. Not great, bot bad either considering how the rest of the world are doing at present. When more jobs are added, more people spend. One spending leads to another, more jobs get created in the process. This is nothing new. Our forefathers in Indai figured this out long back. In ancient India money was aptly named as CHANCHALA (the one which runs fast) in Sanskrit. The more it rolls, the more the economy stays healthy. Alas, in corruption laden nations Money is stashed in Jute sacks, under mattress, under ground,  behind walls and in foreign banks. If a  part of that money is spent inside the country at least it will create a few jobs.

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