Saturday, July 16, 2016

Mike Pence - Trump's VP choice

Trump formally announced Mike Pence, the Republican Governor from the state of Indiana as his Vice President running mate. Pence comes from a solid Red (Republican) state which only once voted for a Democrat in 2008 since 1964.

Mike Pence is a classic American Conservative, committed to Small Government, strong on national defence, believer in a muscular foreign policy, Lower taxes and lower spending on welfare measures. It's a classic strategy by Donald Trump to bring those Conservative voters, who form the base of the Republican party and don't think Trump is conservative enough - back to his fold.

But a Vice president hardly matters and rarely helps a whole lot during a Presidential campaign. It's said that the lost of VP isn't worth a bucket of warm spit - a person who forever lives in the President's shadow and represents the President in the funerals of Third World leaders.

Only if and when the President dies or resigns from office, the Vice president is elevated to the President of the United States. Most recent examples are Lyndon Johnson becoming the President on the aftermath of Kennedy's Assassination in 1963 and Gerald Ford taking over the White house in 1974 after the resignation of Richard Nixon, post Watergate Scandal.

Both hardly left a huge mark as President. Johnson didn't opt for reelection in 1968 for his webbing polpularity. Ford lost to Jimmy Carter in 1976. Last VP who was elected as President was George Bush Sr., nearly 30 years ago in 1988. Al Gore, Bill Clinton's VP lost in the year 2000. Consequent Vice presidents Dick Cheney and Joe Biden refused to run for the office of President.

Will the selection of Mike Pence, a low profile Governor will help Trump. Only time will tell.

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