Sunday, June 19, 2016

Last Day of Cruise - Fun day at the sea, May 2016

The other night we left Sidhant at Kids Camp and went to "Punchliner" - a popular stand up comedy show for those ages above 18. The auditorium was packed like sardines, reverberating with laughter.
The jokes were mostly spicy (called non-veg jokes in Indian lingo), filled with liberal dosage of sex and fart. It's in human nature - Bawdy jokes related to basic instincts can be extremely popular in restricted environment, the cloak of civility comes down as and when necessary.
The State of Odisha is well known for its freebies and I am a Pucca (staunch) Odia freeloader. As they say - PAISA UTHEIBARA EKKA (in Barhampuri accented Odia) or PAISA WASOOL (get full value of money) tendency, I was the first person to stand in line for free liquor offered as promotion inside the ship.
That also made me a frequent visitor to the Sauna, where the heat and humidity in a closeted room makes you sweat in 10 minutes, making me feel like a "Melting Man". The hot steam poured into skin, pouring out sweat like a dam gone burst. The feeling is very liberating and toxic free. It's a necessary luxury, as I hardly sweat these days. Even the walking trail inside my office is climate controlled.
It reminds me of my last visit to Odisha in June, a time locally called ANASARA GULUGULI (a very muggy period when Lord Jagannath hibernates with his siblings to escape from stifling humidity). All one has to do is stand outside in mid afternoon for a free Sauna.
Inside the Sauna as I met another melting man taking the steam bath. He was from Michigan. Our conversation veered towards politics. A lifelong Democrat, he is planning to vote for Trump. His logic - for years we have tried politicians. , as the wind of change behind Trump is gathering momentum, which could. Hillary Clinton should worry. Thoroughly drowsy from my relaxed nerves, I staggered back to room for a nap to supplement sleep leftover from last night.
I never lose an opportunity to talk to a stranger. Whether you like or not, agree or not, every human being got a story to tell. In course of the conversation you learn a lot. Irrespective of race or nationally, a patient hearing to their story gives them a sense of importance. Apart from being the source of fodder for my blogs, they bring infect me with plenty of knowledge and experience.
The mainstream media mostly covers the top 10% of populace. Thanks to the social media, especially to the creative genius of Marc Zuckerberg, for providing a platform for the voice of the silent majority to be heard.
All humans are basically the same, their basic nature is also more or less the same. It's the harnessing of human resources by visionary leaders which makes the difference between the people, who as a whole make a nation great or otherwise.
We got dressed up ourselves in formal wear for the Elegant Night. Prime Steak and Lobsters prominently adored the menu. The night glowed as couples swung to the sound of music. I dissuaded myself from dancing and wisely so, preventing folks from jumping into water upon seeing my dance. By not opting for dancing, I saved a few lives and a disaster of Titanic proportion. Carnival should thanks me for that bu offering me a free Cruise.

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