Thursday, June 18, 2015


Watergate Scandal of early 1970s which led to the resignation of Richard Nixon, has opened another floodgate of fashionable tendency to add a surname "Gate" to any sundry scandal. Latest to join the bandwagon is Lalit-gate.

No one ever thought in his or her wildest dreams, the discovery of burglary and wire tapping at Democratic Party Headquarters in the (in) famous Watergate Hotel in Washington, would lead to President Nixon's resignation. As most media outlets ignored it, the newspaper Washington Post stuck to its reporting and continued digging further. Eventually it pointed to "All the President's Men", costing him his job (a book bearing the same name from Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein is a must read). A sitting President resigning from scandal was unprecedented in American history.

The scandal earned Nixon the sobriquet  "Dirty Dick", his approval rating plummeting  to 21 points (later George W Bush tried to beat him by getting closer with a rating of 24  during the Wall Street crash). It coincided with a torrid time in America when Arab embargo on oil saw long lines at gas station and the ignominy of Vietnam.  Lot of water has flown in Potomac river, yet "gates" keep on flooding.

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