Thursday, January 15, 2015

Population Control - A necessity in India

When a certain BJP MP in news was espousing all Hindus to have 4 kids, he was certainly not kidding. In this context lemme repeat my post from a few months back. We can conveniently ignore such rants from those suffering from perennial foot in the mouth syndrome. India's exploding human bomb is a major deterrent to its growth, yet hardly any one talks about the stark necessity of population control. Most of the agonies our nation is facing can be traced to this burgeoning POPULATION. Our politicians rarely ever talk about it, let alone have an agenda for the future to curb this menace.
 It was never too late for China to address this issue in late 1970s. It is said their population would have been 1.75 billion now instead of the current 1.35 had they not implemented the one child principle then. We are not a dictatorship like China who can ruthlessly impose any such agenda on their citizens. Only a conscious effort by the populace can bring down the growth. We simply breed like rabbits and at 1.25 billion we are getting nowhere. Whatever economic advances we are making is gobbled by this monstrous mass.
Interestingly the only politician who seriously ever tried to control this epidemic menace was Sanjay Gandhi, the maverick son of Indira Gandhi.  His grandfather Nehru supposedly said "Population is the strength of India" when J R D Tata ( arguably a great visionary) warned the former about it. Many including educated folks knowingly go into a Repeat - Until loop (in computer programming parlance) to procure a Male Heir to carry on their linage. It is time to put a break on it. Like certain laws of Chemistry hold good under Normal Pressure and Temperature, India would have been far better off with a population of 600 millions (half of present) under normal conditions of Corruption and Lawlessness. Sad that in our chaotic democracy a few Maharaj, Mullahs and Mahants can only think parochially to achieve their political goals, rather than taking the Bull by its horn which the Chinese are apt at.

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